Artist and photographer KellieSwanson prints jackets, jeans and other clothing with a dark blue blue tan print

Release Date:2023-03-25


This is an early form of photography that uses ultraviolet light to produce monochrome prints.

early form of photography that used ultraviolet light to produce monochrome prints as part of her emerging clothing line as part of her emerging clothing line, KSX. This brightly colored wearable features a grainy pattern that complements the weave of the fabric.

The brightly colored wearable features a grainy texture that complements the weave of the fabric, which is featured in Swanson's home in Bozeman, Montana.

The wearable features natural specimens such as ferns and flowers found in Swanson's home in Bozeman, Montana.

All of the clothing is secondhand, with most of Kellie Swanson's purchases from thrift stores and vintage stores, ensuring that KSX takes a more sustainable approach in an industry known for waste.

in an industry known for its wastefulness.

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