NMN may help with preventing and dealing with diabetes

Release Date:2024-04-03

Research from Osaka University, Japan, published in Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, showed that oral administration of 250 mg of NMN per day for three months significantly increased plasma NAD+ levels and increased serum insulin levels five-fold.

This suggests that NMN can play a positive role in the prevention of diabetes.

More and more studies have shown that NMN plays an important role in regulating human metabolism, delaying aging and improving various disease states. NMN has shown potential in promoting insulin levels and preventing diabetes.

First, we need to understand the physiological role of insulin in the body.

Insulin is a hormone secreted by beta cells in the pancreas, and its main role is to promote the absorption and utilization of glucose by cells, thereby reducing blood sugar levels. When the body does not secrete enough insulin or the cells are less responsive to insulin, it will lead to a rise in blood sugar, which may lead to metabolic diseases such as diabetes.

NMN can affect insulin secretion and function in a variety of ways. On the one hand, NMN can activate the intracellular NAD+ synthesis pathway and increase the level of NAD+. NAD+ is a key coenzyme in many important metabolic reactions in cells, and is involved in many biological processes such as energy metabolism and DNA repair. When NAD+ levels are elevated, cellular metabolic activity is enhanced, and insulin secretion and sensitivity may also be improved.

On the other hand, NMN can also improve the function of islet beta cells by regulating inflammatory response and oxidative stress. Chronic hyperglycemia can cause damage to pancreatic beta cells, which in turn affects insulin secretion. NMN has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, which can reduce the damage of islet beta cells and promote cell repair and regeneration. In addition, NMN can also reduce insulin resistance and increase the sensitivity of cells to insulin, thus helping to maintain normal blood sugar levels.

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