The relationship between cycle life and discharge depth of lithium iron phosphate battery

Release Date:2023-04-01

The cycle life of lithium iron phosphate batteries is closely related to the depth of discharge, and generally, the deeper the discharge, the shorter the cycle life of the battery. The cycle life of lithium iron phosphate batteries usually refers to the number of charge and discharge cycles that the battery can maintain its rated capacity. In practical use, to ensure the long lifespan of the battery, the depth of discharge is usually controlled between 20% to 80%, which is called the "shallow charge and shallow discharge" strategy.

If the depth of discharge is increased to 100%, that is, completely emptying the battery, although the maximum discharge energy can be obtained, it will significantly shorten the battery's lifespan and reduce its cycle times. This is because deep discharge can cause chemical reactions inside the battery, leading to changes in the internal structure and materials of the battery, thereby reducing its capacity and performance.

Therefore, to extend the lifespan of lithium iron phosphate batteries, it is recommended to avoid deep discharge during use and control the depth of discharge between 20% to 80%, which can effectively prolong the battery's lifespan


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