Is NMN right for you?

Release Date:2024-03-28

Since its advent, NMN has demonstrated its anti-aging magic effect under various research experiments in the scientific community, and NMN has therefore been warmly sought after by consumers. So, which groups of people is NMN suitable for consumption?

1. Elderly people who need to prevent and relieve neurodegenerative diseases

NMN can repair DNA and help modify various age-related diseases.

Studies believe that axis mutation is the cause of neurodegenerative diseases (such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease), through the consumption of NMN, can reduce brain cell death and oxidative stress, protect the nervous system, restore cognitive ability, improve cognitive impairment.

2. Middle-aged and elderly people who need anti-aging

In addition to slowing down aging, NMN can also resolve or alleviate a variety of sub-health problems, such as chronic fatigue, poor sleep, vision loss, etc.

As a direct prerequisite for "anti-aging factor" coenzyme I (NAD+), NMN can restore the level of NAD+, activate longevity protein Sirtuins, maintain normal gene expression, improve energy metabolism disorders induced by mitochondrial inhibitors, maintain cell youth and vitality, and prevent physiological aging brought by age.

3. Women who need to reverse the age of beauty

NMN can keep skin healthy, delay skin aging, reduce wrinkles and dullness, and make it whiter and clearer.

NMN can revitalize cells, improve skin's self-repair ability, activate basal cell mitochondrial function, accelerate skin metabolism, promote melanin decomposition and basal cell mitosis, and make skin more white, translucent, soft and delicate.

4. Women who need to restore their fertility

Aging of oocytes in women can seriously impair follicle development and affect ovulation rates, resulting in reduced fertility. Consumption of NMN can greatly reduce the dysfunction of oocytes, thereby enhancing the quality of oocytes and promoting the recovery of fertility.

5, need to cure the liver drinkers

NMN can promote alcohol metabolism and protect liver. Moreover, it can repair the genes damaged by acetaldehyde toxicity and enhance the body's tolerance to alcohol.

6. Patients with chronic cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

NMN can significantly increase the level of cardiac NAD+, repair cardio-cerebrovascular regeneration, and protect the heart from I/R damage; Ameliorate age-induced cerebral vascular endothelial dysfunction and neurovascular coupling (NVC) response; Reduce vascular oxidative stress, restore the aorta to normal, and help reduce myocardial inflammation.

7, the radiation dose is higher

For example, radiologists, nurses, and flight crews (excluding patients undergoing chemotherapy), supplementing NMN can repair the DNA of radiation-damaged cells and improve the repair ability of genes.

8. Athletes

NMN can supplement NAD+, increase skeletal muscle formation and mitochondrial oxidative metabolism, improve energy level and reaction speed, promote lipolysis, and increase exercise endurance.

9. Diabetic patients

NMN can improve insulin sensitivity, and the recovery of cell vitality also helps sugar metabolism. Consumption of NMN can effectively intervene in type 2 diabetes caused by long-term high-calorie diet and aging.

10. People who sleep poorly

Supplementing NMN to increase the content of NAD+ can improve the level of SIRT1, regulate the biological clock, and restore the normal circadian rhythm; Can reduce insomnia and dreaminess, improve sleep quality, improve endocrine and so on.

11. People who need to protect their eyesight and hearing

NMN improves the level of NAD+, can save retinal disorders, prevent photoreceptor cell degeneration and restore vision; Increase the amount of NAD + in ear neurons and tissues to provide protection against trauma-induced hearing damage.

12. People with high stress or depression

Consumption of NMN can increase dopamine levels, improve mood, increase blood supply to the brain, alleviate brain decline caused by depression, improve stress resistance, and keep a clear mind.

In short, NMN is suitable for a wide range of people, and most people can play a corresponding improvement role by consuming NMN products.

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